Mifune Fureai Park, also known as Friendship Park or more commonly as “Dinosaur Park,” is an urban park designed as a place for crowds and interaction. Not only is there a grass field and playground equipment for kids to enjoy inside the approximately 1500-square-meter park, but also a pool fountain and wading pool for playing in the water during the summertime. Visitors to the park are greeted by the resident gatekeeper, a giant Carcharodontosaurus. What’s more, the park is home to a statue of Brook, the musician of the Straw Hat Pirates crew in the One Piece comic series. The statue was installed as part of the Kumamoto Revival Project, a collaboration between Kumamoto Prefecture and One Piece, which is illustrated by Kumamoto-born comic artist Oda Eiichiro.
Not only is there a grass field and playground equipment for kids to enjoy inside the approximately 1500-square-meter park, but also a pool fountain and wading pool for playing in the water during the summertime. Visitors to the park are greeted by the resident gatekeeper, a giant Carcharodontosaurus.
What’s more, the park is home to a statue of Brook, the musician of the Straw Hat Pirates crew in the One Piece comic series. The statue was installed as part of the Kumamoto Revival Project, a collaboration between Kumamoto Prefecture and One Piece, which is illustrated by Kumamoto-born comic artist Oda Eiichiro.